About us

Design by Brandeby is a company that stands for security, safety and care. We protect nature, people and development. We pride ourselves on ensuring that our suppliers work hard to achieve the same goals as us, which means there is no child labor or poor working conditions.
When you shop with us, you can trust that all our products are 100% hypoallergenic.
We are also very careful when selecting our semi-precious stones and freshwater pearls, to ensure that they fit perfectly into our various collections. We are proud to offer a unique and high quality product to our customers.
We believe in taking responsibility for the environment and our role in society. We are constantly working to reduce our environmental impact by using sustainable resources and renewing our product range.
Our vision is to continue to develop and constantly improve our products, while taking responsibility for the environment and society.
Thank you for choosing Design by Brandeby, we are proud to offer our customers a safe and secure shopping experience with high-quality products that are gentle on both people and nature.

Design by Brandeby is a company founded in 2010 by Susanne Brandeby, who is still the owner today.

Susanne Brandeby is a self-taught jewelery designer who has made the following journey:

2010: Susanne started putting jewelry together after she went into the wall, this became her therapy from a difficult period.

2011: The passion for design increased and she began to draw her own parts for jewelry, in the form of flowers, circles, squares.

2012: The first store was opened, in Ängelholm.

2013: After a successful year, the store was moved to a larger city, Helsingborg.

2014 - 2020: Life came in between with some heavy stuff.

2021: The company started up again, both with a store in Ängelholm and an online shop.

2023: The store moved to Designgården in Båstad.

NOW: We are in Båstad and continue to make history...

The company is registered for FA tax and is VAT registered.

CEO Susanne Brandeby

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